Method And Apparatus For Detecting And Regulating Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) By Forming A Homeostatic Loop Employing A Half-Antibody Biosensor
Patent Number: US 8,571,805 B2
Date Filed: June 22, 2010
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: SINNAIS Implantable Pump


A biosensor for detection of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) hybridization uses an array of parallel capacitors to detect electrochemical binding of circulating VEGF to immobilized anti-VEGF monoclonal half-antibodies (a-VEGF mhAb). The binding of a-VEGF mhAb modulates the threshold voltage of a circuit, changing the impedance of the circuit. An electrode coated with a p-Si substrate enhances the affinity between the VEGF molecules. A fluid cell delivers VEGF samples onto the active surface of the chip. An array of parallel capacitors arranged in an interdigitated pattern detects the VEGF in the fluid. The detector provides an accurately measured and quantifiable rate of change of the VEGF molecules in vivo, providing real-time feedback which is used to measure the response of the tumor to delivered chemotherapeutic agents and biological response modifiers (BRMs) for the purpose of determining tumor burden and efficacy of the chemotherapy as part of a homeostatic loop for chemotherapy.
Field of Use: The SINNAIS Implantable Pump is the culmination of over a decade and a half of research and development for an implantable drug delivery pump incorporating Josh Shachar's biosensor technology to provide a step forward in providing patients with a more effective treatment protocol for pharma-based regimens where current systemic drug delivery is not as effective. The SINNAIS system provides metronomically controlled drug delivery at micro-dose levels with SMART biosensor feedback that provides a physician real-time data on a variety of treatment and patient vital metrics to allow for rapid response and modification of treatment from a remote location.

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