Apparatus and Method for Lorentz-Active Sheath Display and Control of Surgical Tools
Patent Number: WO 2009/126575 Al
Date Filed: April 6, 2009
Country Filed In: WIPO
Product Application: Lorentz-Active Sheath


The Lorentz-Active Sheath (LAS) serves as a conduit for other medical devices such as catheters, balloons, biopsy needles, etc. The sheath is inserted through a vein or other body orifice and is guided into the area of the patient where the opera­tion is to be performed. The position and orientation of the LAS is tracked via an industry-standard position detection system which senses electrical signals that are emitted from several electrodes coupled to the LAS. The signals received from the LAS are used to calculate an accurate and reliable assessment of the actual position of the LAS within the patient. The electrode signals also serve to create a reference frame which is then used to act as a motion compensation filter and fiducial alignment system for the movement of the LAS-hosted medical tool.
Field of Use: The Lorentz-Active Sheath was created as part of the development of the CGCI platform. The sheath had a series of electrodes embedded in the device that would its position to be monitored and maintained. When in place the sheath would provide a conduit for a whole variety of instrumentation to be maneuvered into a position of operation quickly and efficiently. This included catheters, balloons, biopsy needles, and more.

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