A Magnetic Breather Pump And A Method For Treating A Brain Tumor Using The Same
Patent Number: AU 2009259842 A1
Date Filed: June 22, 2009
Country Filed In: Australia
Product Application: SINNAIS Implantable Pump


A magnetically controlled pump is implanted into the brain of a patient and delivers a plurality of medicating agents at a controlled rate corresponding to the specific needs of the patient. The current invention comprises a flexible double walled pouch that is formed from two layers of polymer. The pouch is alternately expanded and contracting by a magnetic solenoid. When contracted, a medicating agent is pushed out of the pouch through a plurality of needles. When the pouch is expanded, surrounding cerebral fluid is drawn into the space between the double walls of the pouch from which it is drawn through a catheter to an analyzer. Cerebral fluid drawn from the patient is analyzed. The operation of the apparatus and hence the treatment is remotely controlled based on these measurements and displayed through an external controller.
Field of Use: The SINNAIS Implantable Pump is the culmination of over a decade and a half of research and development for an implantable drug delivery pump incorporating Josh Shachar's biosensor technology to provide a step forward in providing patients with a more effective treatment protocol for pharma-based regimens where current systemic drug delivery is not as effective. The SINNAIS system provides metronomically controlled drug delivery at micro-dose levels with SMART biosensor feedback that provides a physician real-time data on a variety of treatment and patient vital metrics to allow for rapid response and modification of treatment from a remote location.

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