Magnetic Linear Actuator For Deployable Catheter Tools
Patent Number: CA 2688330
Date Filed: December 11, 2008
Country Filed In: Canada
Product Application: CGCI


Using the linear forces that are provided by an electromag­netic solenoid applied near the distal end of a medical cath­eter, various surgical instruments can be actuated or deployed for use in interventional medicine. The linear actuator uses the principles of magnetic repulsion and attraction as a means for moving a bobbin that can be attached to various types of moving components that translate linear movements into the actuation of a tool that is attached to the linear actuator. Using independent solenoid coils, movement modality is increased from two possible positions to three.
Field of Use: The Catheter Guidance Control and Imaging (CGCI) system was created to provide physicians the ability to guide a catheter through a patient's body using a robotically-controlled magnetic guidance system. Such a system provides the physician unprecedented accuracy in being able to navigate within the dynamic environment of the patient, create a detailed 3-D mapping, and perform a variety of catheter-based operations with precision control and an ability to return to target at the push of a button. Initial applications for the technology were for the field of Electrophysiology and specifically for the ablation of the heart to treat patients with AFib.

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