Hermetic Seal For Use In An Implantable Metronomic Drug Pump And A Method Of Manufacturing The Same
Patent Number: US 2020/0368428 Al
Date Filed: November 26, 2020
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: SINNAIS Implantable Pump
A method of hermetically bonding components of an implantable pump made of biocompatible materials comprises the steps of providing a first SiO2 layer of predetermined first thickness onto a selected bonding surface. of a first biocompatible component of the implantable pump to reduce the surface roughness, Ra, available for bonding below a first predetermined magnitude; providing a second SiO2 layer of predetermined second thickness onto a selected bonding surface of a second biocompatible component of the implantable pump to reduce the surface roughness of the selected bonding surface; and bringing the first and second SiO2 layers into contact with each other at a low temperature with a low pressure to form a high-quality hermetic bond and seal between first and second SiO2 layers. 111e invention includes an implantable pump having a hermetic seal manufacn1red. by the method.
Field of Use: The SINNAIS Implantable Pump is the culmination of over a decade and a half of research and development for an implantable drug delivery pump incorporating Josh Shachar's biosensor technology to provide a step forward in providing patients with a more effective treatment protocol for pharma-based regimens where current systemic drug delivery is not as effective. The SINNAIS system provides metronomically controlled drug delivery at micro-dose levels with SMART biosensor feedback that provides a physician real-time data on a variety of treatment and patient vital metrics to allow for rapid response and modification of treatment from a remote location.