Method And Apparatus For A Long-Term, Fully Implantable MRI Compatible Drug Pump
Patent Number: US 12,076,527 B2
Date Filed: September 3, 2024
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: SINNAIS Implantable Pump


The illustrated embodiments of the invention include an MRI compatible apparatus having: a refillable drug reser­voir; a hermetically sealed, implantable chamber; a pump disposed in and hermetically sealed within the hermetically sealed, implantable chamber and fluidically communicated to the drug reservoir; and control electronics disposed in and hermetically sealed within the hermetically sealed, implant­able chamber and electrically communicated to the pump. The refillable drug reservoir, hermetically sealed, implant­able chamber, pump and control electronics are MRI com­patible.
Field of Use: The SINNAIS Implantable Pump is the culmination of over a decade and a half of research and development for an implantable drug delivery pump incorporating Josh Shachar's biosensor technology to provide a step forward in providing patients with a more effective treatment protocol for pharma-based regimens where current systemic drug delivery is not as effective. The SINNAIS system provides metronomically controlled drug delivery at micro-dose levels with SMART biosensor feedback that provides a physician real-time data on a variety of treatment and patient vital metrics to allow for rapid response and modification of treatment from a remote location.

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