Apparatus For Automatic Sampling Of Biological Species Employing An Amplification With A Magnetic Nanoparticle And Propulsion Method
Patent Number: US 11,358,140 B2
Date Filed: June 14, 2022
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: SAW Biosensor


A cartridge is combined with a smart device which is capable of communicating with a network to perform a portable, fast, field assay of a small sample biological analyte. A closed microfluidic circuit for mixes the analyte with a buffer with functionalized magnetic beads capable of being specifically combined with the analyte. A detector communicates with the microfluidic circuit in which the mixed analyte, buffer and combined functionalized magnetic beads are sensed. A microcontroller is coupled to detector for controlling the detector and for data processing an output assay signal from the detector. A user interface communi­cates with the microcontroller for providing user input and for providing user output through the smart device to the network.
Field of Use: OPTIKUS is the second generation of portable handheld pathogen detection technologies created by Josh Shachar and his Engineering Team. The device utilized a whole new method of taking a fluid sample and processing it through all steps of biomarker detection on a single microfluidic disc. Once a sample was injected into a septum reservoir on the disc, the disc was inserted into the OPTIKUS Reader. The microfluidic disc allows for fluid separation, conjugation of magnetic nano-beads to the suspected antigens, conjugation of the nano-bead-antigen particles to corresponding antibodies embedded on a biosensor surface, and then detection to occur via surface acoustic wave generation, all within minutes and with clinically relevant results. The reader was also capable of communicating the data through a secure wireless protocol to cloud storage for immediate dissemination and review by applicable healthcare provides.

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