Apparatus For Magnetically Deployable Catheter With MOSFET Sensor And Method For Mapping And Ablation
Patent Number: HK1123959
Date Filed: April 30, 2009
Country Filed In: Hong Kong
Product Application: MOSFET Catheter


A mapping and ablation catheter is described. In one embodiment, the catheter includes a MOSFET sensor array that provides better fidelity of the signal measurements as well as data collection and reduces the error generated by the spatial distribution of the isotropic and anisotropic wave­fronts. In one embodiment, the system maps the change in potential in the vicinity of an activation wavefront. In one embodiment, the mapping system tracks the spread of exci­tation in the heart, with properties such as propagation velocity changes. In one embodiment, during measurement, the manifold carrying the sensor array expands from a closed position state to a deployable open state. Spatial variation of the electrical potential is captured by the sys­tem's ability to occupy the same three-dimensional coordi­nate set for repeated measurements of the desired site. In one embodiment, an interpolation algorithm tracks the electro­gram data points to produce a map relative to the electro­cardiogram data.
Field of Use: The MOSFET Catheter was designed to be used in conjunction with the Catheter Guidance Control and Imaging (CGCI) system to provide physicians the ability to guide a catheter through a patient's body using a robotically controlled magnetic guidance system. The catheter greatly improved upon eliminating the issues regarding signal to noise ratio making the MOSFET Catheter much better at being able to generate high-fidelity mapping and imaging. Initial applications for the technology were for the field of Electrophysiology and specifically for the ablation of the heart to treat patients with AFib.

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