Artificial Tooth Medicating Apparatus For Controlling, Regulating, Sensing, And Releasing Medical Agents Into The Body
Patent Number: US 2009/0220563 Al
Date Filed: September 3, 2009
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: Tooth Medicated Dispenser


An artificial tooth apparatus for dispensing medicating agents to the body through the patient's jaw bone comprising a mechanical movement and kinetic mainspring winder, a tour­billon mechanism, an electronic regulator, and a pump mecha­nism arranged and configured to allow any medicating agent to be dispensed from the apparatus in a highly controlled and regulated manner according to input received by the elec­tronic regulator and the patient's specific pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic attributes. Multiple artificial teeth or a comprehensive bridge with several chambers may be used in cases where a polypharmaceutical approach is needed.
Field of Use: The Tooth Metronomic Medicating Dispener is a novel technology of Josh Shachar designed to provide an easy method by which certain therapeutics, such as pain medication, can be delivered to a patient's bloodstream in timed metronomically controlled doses via an implantable artificial tooth that can be easily monitored and refilled as needed for a course of treatment.

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