Brain Retractor Apparatus for Measuring and Predicting Electrophysiological Parameters
Patent Number: US 8,133,172 B2
Date Filed: December 23, 2008
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: SMART Brain Retractor


Described is a surgical system for monitoring a patient's condition during surgery. One aspect is a non-contact EEG sensor. The non-contact EEG sensor can be used to predict the onset of physiological disorders. Another aspect includes the use of a plurality of pressure sensors to determine the pressure applied by retractors on the patient, including the brain and other organs.
Field of Use: The SMART Brain Retractor is a device conceived by Josh Shachar to provide a neurosurgeon a better tool for optimizing brain surgery. During a procedure where a neurosurgeon must hold open the folds of a patient’s brain to access a target site such as a tumor, this retraction can create several potential health risks that add to the difficulty of the surgery. This includes increasing cerebral pressure, limited blood flow, and cerebral tissue damage. The SMART Brain Retractor incorporates Josh Shachar's biosensor technology to provide a surgeon real-time biometric data on the retraction site and will immediately indicate when one of the potential harmful issues is arising in order to allow the surgeon to reposition or pause the surgery in order to correct a potential side effect from rising to a critical point.

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