Method And Apparatus For Controlling Catheter Positioning And Orientation
Patent Number: EP 2 142 091 A0
Date Filed: October 16, 2008
Country Filed In: Europe
Product Application: MOSFET Catheter


A method and apparatus for detecting position and orienta­tion of catheter distal magnetic element end while moving in a patient's heart are described. The apparatus comprising of four sensors, detecting the magnetic field generated by the catheter tip. Each sensor transmits the field magnitude and direction to a detection unit, which filters the signals and removes other field sources, such, as generated by CGCI coils and external medical hardware. The method allows the mea­surements of magnitude corresponding to the catheter tip distance from the sensor and the orientation of the field show­ing the magnetic tip orientation. Since the tip's magnetic field is not symmetric, the position and orientation computation technique are not independent of each other. Hence, an itera­tive calculation is used to converge to a solution.
Field of Use: The MOSFET Catheter was designed to be used in conjunction with the Catheter Guidance Control and Imaging (CGCI) system to provide physicians the ability to guide a catheter through a patient's body using a robotically controlled magnetic guidance system. The catheter greatly improved upon eliminating the issues regarding signal to noise ratio making the MOSFET Catheter much better at being able to generate high-fidelity mapping and imaging. Initial applications for the technology were for the field of Electrophysiology and specifically for the ablation of the heart to treat patients with AFib.

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