Method And Apparatus For Localized Vibratory, Tactile, And Other Stimulus For Pain Abatement Associated With Injections For Minor Surgical Procedures, And Cosmetic Laser Treatments
Patent Number: WO 2011/159317 Al
Date Filed: December 22, 2011
Country Filed In: WIPO
Product Application: Pain Abatement Device
A pain abatement device utilizing sensory inputs such as vibratory motion, tactile sensation, heat, and cold to compete with the noxious pain signal and to diminish injection site pain, pain associated with minor surgeries, and pain associated with non- ocular laser treatments. The device is designed to resist heat transferred by laser surgery treatment beams, and to shield the device from harm from said laser. A plurality of vibrating head attachments allow the device to be used on any contour of the human body. The vibrating head attachments comprise a Peltier thermoelectric device to transmit heat or cold to the patient's skin, dependent on the temperature setting the clinician chooses. Each of the plurality of head attachments take advantage of a corresponding silicone or plastic sterile disposable cover with a variety of surface textures, providing a sterile point of contact with the patient and an additional stimulation of the nervous system.
Field of Use: As envisioned, the Pain Abtement Device was designed to help alleviate or eliminate area specific pain caused by injections, minor surgeries, or surgeries that used non-ocular lasers for treatment. The device could be attached to any point on the patient's body where such pain would occur and by using a proprietary system of sensors to deliver a variety of pain-reducing or pain-eliminating feedback. This included vibratory motion, tactile sensation, and hot and cold therapy based on the physician's settings and the patient's need.