Method And Apparatus For Magnetic Waveguide Forming A Shaped Field Employing A Magnetic Aperture For Guiding And Controlling A Medical Device
Patent Number: WO 2010/138551 Al
Date Filed: December 2, 2010
Country Filed In: WIPO
Product Application: CGCI
A system that uses a magnetic aperture and electromagnets to configure a magnetic shaped field is described. In one embodiment, the system can be used for guiding a catheter or other devices through a patient's body. In further modification of the system, the waveguide field and field gradient is achieved by the use of varying the electromagnetic wave and its respective flux density axis. In one embodiment, one or more magnetic pole pieces ( electromagnet cores) are configured with anisotropic permeability to control the shape of the resulting magnetic field. In one embodiment, the shape and permeability distribution in an electromagnet paleface is configured to produce the desired field distribution. In one embodiment, a number of electromagnets are arranged in a spherical pattern to produce a desired magnetic field in an enclosed spherical region.
Field of Use: The Catheter Guidance Control and Imaging (CGCI) system was created to provide physicians the ability to guide a catheter through a patient's body using a robotically-controlled magnetic guidance system. Such a system provides the physician unprecedented accuracy in being able to navigate within the dynamic environment of the patient, create a detailed 3-D mapping, and perform a variety of catheter-based operations with precision control and an ability to return to target at the push of a button. Initial applications for the technology were for the field of Electrophysiology and specifically for the ablation of the heart to treat patients with AFib.