Multipurpose Cerebrospinal Fluid Sensor Assembly And Method Of Operation Of The Same
Patent Number: US 2014/0303455 Al
Date Filed: October 9, 2014
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: CSF Monitor
A cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) monitoring device for the detection of obstructions in real-time through the collection of pressure data from an onboard pressure sensor. This system is designed to integrate into medical devices equipped with a CSF drainage system, such as implantable shunts. CSF analysis data can be transmitted in real-time wirelessly to a physician or can be stored onboard in a memory card and retrieved wirelessly at a later time. Information from the CSF sensors can be used by physicians to monitor CSF conditions known to cause shunt malfunction/obstruction such as elevated protein concentrations, evidence of an ongoing or recent hemorrhage such as the presence of heme proteins, and concentrations of administered medications/drugs over time. It can be used to monitor for CSF infections, in which increased pressure, increased temperature, CSF high protein, and low glucose, would be suggestive of CSF infections.
Field of Use: The Cerebral-Fluid Spine Monitor (CSM) was one of the early component inventions by Josh Shachar and his team as they undertook the development of their newly envisioned implantable drug delivery system. The CSM incorporated an early version of Josh's Biosensor technology that would allow a physician to be able to monitor obstructions and pressures of fluid in order to ensure the operation of a secondary device, like a cerebral shunt, was working correctly. The CSF could also measure infections, temperature, high protein, and low glucose levels as well as concentrations of therapeutics.