Recombinant Vaccines Against IBDV
Patent Number: US 6,528,063 B2
Date Filed: March 4, 2003
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: IBDV Vaccine


There is provided a stable vaccine for providing protection against disease having viral proteins transgenically expressed in plant cells. Also provided is a stable vaccine that provides protection against disease containing viral protein and coding sequences cloned into an E. coli expres­sion system. A method of vaccination by transgenically expressing viral proteins capable of providing protection against disease into plant cells and administering the plant cells to an animal in need of vaccination is also provided. Also provided is a method of vaccination by cloning viral protein and coding sequences capable of providing protec­tion against disease into an E. coli expression system and administering the E. coli into the animal in need of vacci­nation.
Field of Use: In 2004 Josh and his team envisioned a vaccine for diseases containing viral proteins that could be spread via organic plant to animal transmission. The patent described a way to position the vaccine into plant cells which then could be fed to herd animals such as cows in order to provide protection against highly infectious diseases such as E-coli.

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