Apparatus And Method For Targeted Biodetection Using A Phage Carrying A Single Electron Transistor
Patent Number: US 11,366,105 B2
Date Filed: June 21, 2022
Country Filed In: USA
Product Application: Bioprobe


A single electron transistor conjugated to a bacteriophage form a detectable probe where an RF signal identifies the location of such probe at the site of a specific biological matrix and provide a unique electronic signal such as a Coulomb Staircase and where such signal act as a diagnostic beacon and where such probe and a detector form a mesoscopic detector. The detector uses a bio probe containing the phage with its conjugated SET and the properties of the phage specificity; phage mobility within the biological environ­ment and the phage ability to act as a carrier for the SET; and the SET's ultimate use as a beacon for the detection.
Field of Use: The Bioprobe is designed to provide a low-cost portable medical device technology for the rapid in-field detection and quantification of chemical and biological molecular species for a variety of healthcare, environmental, and security applications. The Biopropbe incorporates a single electron transistor upon which a bacteriophage of interest has been conjugated. A generated RF signal can then identify the location of the probe at the site of interest where contamination or the presence of a biomarker or pathogen is suspected. The probe then produces a unique electronic signal such as a Coulomb Staircase which acts as a diagnostic beacon to identify the presence and quantity of the biomarker or pathogen.

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